Commitment to serve mankind

Welcome to

Project of African Youth Empowerment (EYAP)

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There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.



Our Mission is to empower our Youth and Women for a better society

Our Vision

Our Vision

Our Vision is to create a team to save the planet for everyone

Our Core Values


We endeavour to be responsible in our actions by being prudent, efficient and transparent in the use of our resources in order to be accountable to our donors, partners and all stakeholders we work with to achieve measurable results.


We aspire to promote the highest standards of integrity and honesty in our workplace and in all our engagements without the temptation of compromise.


we are a determined team of courageous like-minded people set to achieve high goals in all our core agenda in order to achieve and sustain our desired goals for a better society


We are a team of people who value challenges and continuos learning. We are committed to collaborate, interact and work with others to innovate and face the global challenges that threaten the planet. Our diversity is our cornerstone.


We value team members and we endeavour to give our best. We promote team effectiveness and create positive work environment so that all members realize their potential and long term organizational success.

What We Do

Here is what we are angaged in

  • Climate Change

    The traditional balance of weather has been disrupted due to many forces affecting climate change. This posses a great threat to human and other creatures earth.This phenomenon has affected our health, education, food production etc. So EYAP is determined to cultivate, inspire and promote activities like tree planting, protecting our rivers, forests, oceans, soil, use renewable energy etc to mitigate climate and make our planet safe.

  • Education

    Skilled workers perform their roles efficiently and have the potential to compete on the market for jobs as well as creating their own employment. Besides, educated people promote good governance, innovation and have the ability to fight corruption. EYAP promotes activities to produce leaders to change lives in communities by paying schools fees for needy students, partnering with institutions to promote innovation etc.

  • Empowering Our Youth And Women Through Sports

    The power of sports cannot be underestimated. Sports promotes peace, solve conflicts promotes healthy lifestyle, produces good leaders and creates jobs. We are empowering our Youth and women through training, competitions, promotion of infrastructure to give them opportunities, hope and confidence to benefit from their potential and contribute to community development.

  • Food Security

    Food is becoming a global challenge as many people in the world are experiencing hunger and poverty. EYAP has programmes to encourage and engage Youth and women to fight poverty and hunger by believing in agricultural activities around their small farms to sustain their livelihoods. We are encouraging our youth and women to form small societies to pull resources together for equipment, marketing of their produce, distribution etc

  • Health

    A society of unhealthy people cannot be productive. EYAP is creating awareness of the importance of people being healthy and productive in order to contribute in building their communities. We are creating awareness of diseases like HIV, Malaria and vices like drug abuse and alcohol through various initiatives to keep our youth and women healthy and productive.


Get in touch

  • Mon - Friday

    9:00 am to 6:45 pm

  • Saturday

    10:30 am to 4:35 pm

contact us

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